The blind-folded classification dataset
This is description of our blind-folded classification dataset which was used to test generalization of the object identification neural network in our paper Learning the signatures of the human grasp using a scalable tactile glove trained in visually aware conditions to conditions without visual awarness of the grasped object. See "Methods » Dataset acquisition methods » Visually aware and blindfolded conditions in the paper".
The dataset is provided for non-commercial use only. Contact us with inquiries about commercial use. Read the license for more details.
Dataset content
The zip file of the dataset contains following structure:
|- metadata.mat
|- [batch]
| |- [recording]
| |- [000000...N].jpg
| |- viz
| | |- [000000...N].jpg
| |- pressuredata.mat
metadata.mat is the main data file with all the information needed for the experiemnts in our paper. Details bellow.
[batch] stands for the name of the batch folder that contains multiple recordings from the same recording session, e.g. "001"
[recording] stands for the name of the recording that contains a continous sequence of frames, e.g. "003-tea_box"
[000000...N].jpg are video frames corresponding to the recorded pressure maps (not used in our paper), e.g. "000452.jpg"
viz/[000000...N].jpg are downsized pairs of video images and corresponding pressure map visualizations. The pressure is visualized without spatial layout. The values are mapped from range 500 - 650 to range 0 - 1 in logarithmic space. The green bar bellow denotes validity of the frame for our neural network as described in the dataset preprocessing in the paper and corresponds to the flag "hasValidLabel".
pressuredata.mat is the raw recorded pressure data available for every recording. Contains timestamp tStamp, corresponding frame number and the pressure values data as int16 array of size Nx32x32 where N is the frame count. The pressure values range between 500 and 1024.